Irrespective of your age or profession, there’s always that one day when you absolutely have to make the biggest impression you’ve ever made in your life.
Well, if you’re favorite clothing color happens to be grey, then here’s a short guide on how you can go about achieving that objective.
What most men don’t realize however is that grey, like black and white, is one of the neutral colours. Which means, just like black and white, it goes well with practically any other colour.
Grey and blue go particularly well with each other and can look quite formal. Even if the jacket in question is fairly casual. As evidenced by this wonderful grey sport coat we at King Sidney executed for Jonathan Mueke, Nairobi’s first-ever deputy governor.
The challenge comes when you want to wear nothing but grey.
The simple solution to that is, of course, to simply do colour layering in grey.
Colour layering is a dressing technique whereby you wear different shades of the same colour. As shown below, it’s a technique that can make even the simplest of gentlemen look like a model straight from the designer runway.
Dark grey formal pants with a designer light grey tuxedo jacket and mid-grey shoes is a look that will guarantee men with the highest standards a way for them to match their attention-to-detail personality with their dress code.
Depending on his skin tone, a lot of upscale men in Nairobi will end up looking very nice on special occasions and functions in the above look. It’s the perfect smart-casual mix of formal and casual.
When wearing an outfit that is grey from head to toe, I’ve always personally thought it prudent to break the monotony of the grey with a white shirt as shown below.
Not only does the white break the monotony of the grey, but it also gives it a nice background to shine against. This ensures the grey, which is a dull colour to begin with, pops out nicely against the backdrop of both your shirt and your skin.
What if you feel like a white shirt look doesn’t really work for you? Then try a black one instead. As shown in the image below. This time on a grey sport coat with a unique inverted collar.
One that showcases your distinguished taste in matters of men’s fashion.

Comprised of a wonderful mix of leather and tweed. This jacket will have heads turning in your direction at whichever function you choose to attend.
All of the above grey sport coats in Nairobi Kenya are exclusive to King Sidney.