This post is for all the single gentlemen out there. And those single at heart.
If you have a mildly active social circle, then you’ve probably been invited for a wedding or two. It could be a workmate’s friend getting married. Or your close friend’s relative. Doesn’t matter. What matters is that as a single man, weddings are super high-quality hunting grounds for high-quality women.
Why, you ask? A couple of reasons.
- Unlike at other events in general, women at weddings are actually hoping to meet the man of their dreams at a wedding. Think about it. A romantic love story that starts with, “We met at a wedding.” It can’t get any better than that.
- Because of the above reason, they come to the wedding dressed to the hilt. Looking very beautiful. I’m talking sexy dresses that highlight their curves and show some skin. High-heel shoes that give them that magical strut we all love as men. Hair done makeup did. They put on a show.
They bring their A-game. And because they want to meet the man of their dreams, it’s important that we present you as the man of their dreams. And that presentation starts at home in front of the mirror, before you even step into the wedding reception.
Now, there will be other men in attendance of course. And as you may have realized by this point in your life, this is a competitive world. So not only must we position you as her dream man in her mind, we’ve got to do it relative to the other male guests in attendance.
And how exactly do we do that?
Staying unique and giving it your absolute best shot.
There are 2 parts to that statement. The first part is to stay unique. Meaning that if most of the men in attendance are going to lazily pick a random work suit from their wardrobe, you want to dress up like a man who has a strong understanding of the social context of the event he is attending.
The second part of the solution is giving it your absolute best in terms of what you have on. Your absolute best. Let me illustrate that with the aid of an example.
Take a look at the following video.
We didn’t go with the first half-coat suit because then he’d have ended up looking like everyone else. And we don’t want that.
We could’ve gone with the second smart casual khaki pants look. It’s not bad. But it’s not the best he can do. A fact that is made very clear by the last outfit.
That jacket is tremendous. Now he begins to look sexy. Now he starts to look like the type of gentleman who will have some woman’s mind thinking very dirty thoughts. Throw on a dash of designer cologne and we’re all set.
An old man I knew once told me something I’ll never forget. He said, work on yourself and attractive, quality women will notice and come to you. Ignore yourself and choose to work on chasing women, and not only is it much harder with very little success, but the quality also dips dramatically.