Welcome to King Sidney. “What exactly do these guys do?” is perhaps the very first question you have.
We guarantee you the wow factor with a designer dress jacket outfit whenever you step out for an important event.
If you want plain and ordinary, then you’re on the wrong page. You can hop off at this point.
But if what you’re looking for is an absolutely fierce outfit that will have everyone unable to take their eyes off you, then welcome home.
By utilizing only the highest quality raw materials. From using pure silk in your jacket lining to blending wool and leather in your tuxedo, no shortcut is spared in the quest to have you manifest the King within.
Your image upgrade investment will ordinarily come in one of three categories:
Kshs. 35,000
Kshs. 45,000
Kshs. 55,000.
The prices are fixed due to the high-quality nature of the product. So there are no discounts. There are, however, flexible payment plans.
If you have an important function around the corner and would like to discover outfits within each category, click the WhatsApp button and let’s talk.

Let's take it slow
If, on the other hand, you do not have any pressing function, it’s all good. Let’s get to know each other a little better.
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And if you ever see anything you like in the email, you know where to find us. See our location below. To ensure that we focus on just you, visitation is by appointment only.
Cheers and God Bless.